Best Story Mode Games for PC

Best Story Mode Games for PC

List of Best Story Mode Games for PC for year 2022. Story mode games are different from the other games that are played. These games have their own story. In this list we will tell you about the different story mode games present in the market for year 2022 for your personal computer.

In this list of best story mode games for PC, you will find many awesome games which you can play by just sitting in your home. You don’t need to go out for places. The best part of these games is people cannot judge if you play story mode or multiplayer games because these are the kinds of games that both players and nonplayers like.

In this article will be a list of the best story mode games for PC or personal computer that is expected to be released in Year 2022.

Wolf Among us

Telltale Games‘ episodic graphic mystery-drama adventure game, The Wolf Among Us is based on Bill Willingham’s Fables comic book series, and acts as a prelude to it. The game is divided into five episodes, each of which was released in 2013 and 2014. In November 2014, retail versions of the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One consoles were released.

Gameplay of Wolf Among us

The Wolf Among Us is a third-person adventure game with a graphic adventure theme. Bigby Wolf, the protagonist, is tasked with investigating a string of unexplained murders. The player explores numerous three-dimensional locales throughout the game, including apartment buildings and a pub. When exploring an area, the player may come across an object that they can interact with; when this happens, they must use their cursor to select and study the thing. Items of interest are kept in an inventory and can be used at any time during the story.

All Episodes of Wolf Among Us

S.noEpisode’s Name
2Smoke and Mirrors
3A Crooked Mile
4In Sheep’s Clothing
5Cry Wolf

Guardians of the Galaxy

Telltale Games created and released the Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series, an episodic visual adventure video game series. The first episode of the game, based on Marvel Comics’ Guardians of the Galaxy comic book series, was released on April 18, 2017.

The plot revolves around the Guardians discovering a powerful relic known as the “Eternity Forge,” which each of them desires but must defend from the nefarious Kree Hala the Accuser, who wants it for herself.

Gameplay of Guardians of the Galaxy

Guardians of the Galaxy is a Telltale game in which the player’s character interacts with other characters, explores places and interacts with things inside them, and at times, completes action sequences made up of quick time events, similar to other Telltale games. Players make decisions, such as which dialogue to use, that act as determinants in the tale, affecting subsequent actions in the episode and in subsequent episodes. The player typically controls Star-Lord throughout the series, but may occasionally switch to another Guardian during combat sequences or play as a different character in a flashback.

All Episodes of Guardians of the Galaxy

  • “Tangled Up in Blue”
  • “Under Pressure”
  • “More than a Feeling”
  • “Who Needs You”
  • “Don’t Stop Believin'”

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The Walking Dead

Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead (also known as The Walking Dead: The Game and The Walking Dead: Season One) is an episodic adventure video game. It is the first instalment in a four-season series with a spin-off game based on Michonne. The game is made up of five episodes that were released between April and November 2012, and is based on the comic book series The Walking Dead. Android, iOS, Kindle Fire HDX, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Ouya, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch are among the platforms supported. The game is the first instalment of Telltale’s Walking Dead video game series.

The game is set in the same fictional world as the comic, with events taking place shortly after the Georgia zombie outbreak. However, the most of the characters are unique to this game, which follows Lee Everett, a university professor and convicted criminal who saves and cares for a little girl named Clementine. Lee takes on a protective role for her in order to assist her in reuniting with her parents. Kirkman was in charge of the game’s story to ensure it matched the tone of the comic, although Telltale was in charge of the majority of the production and story details. Some characters from the original comic book series make cameo appearances in the game as well.

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Unlike many visual adventure games, The Walking Dead focuses on story and character development rather than puzzle solving. Both the player’s dialogue choices and their actions during quick time events have an impact on the story, which can result in certain characters being killed or a negative change in the disposition of a certain character or characters toward protagonist Lee. The player’s decisions are carried over from episode to episode. Telltale kept track of your choices and utilised them to shape the writing in following episodes.

Gameplay of The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is a graphic adventure game in which the player, as protagonist Lee Everett, works with a ragtag gang of survivors to stay alive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. It is played from a third-person perspective with a range of cinematic camera views. Characters and stuff can be examined and interacted with, and the player must make use of inventory items and the environment. The player is given the capacity to interact with their environment throughout the game, as well as options for determining the type of that engagement. For example, if the player is looking at a character, they may be able to talk to them, or if they are holding an object, they may be able to offer it to the character or inquire about it. According to Robert Kirkman, The Walking Dead is more concerned with character development and story than with the action cliches found in previous zombie games like Left 4 Dead.

In the fashion of role-playing games, several parts of the game involve timed answers from the player, often leading to critical decisions that will effect the game’s story (RPGs). Some conversation trees require the player to make a decision within a certain amount of time, or Lee will remain silent, which might have an impact on how other characters react to him. Unlike in previous RPGs like the Mass Effect or Fallout series, where decisions fall on either side of a “good or evil” scale, the choices in The Walking Dead have ambiguous consequences, affecting the non-player characters’ attitudes toward Lee.The player can enable a “choice notification” option, in which the game’s UI informs that a character’s attitude toward Lee has changed as a result of their decisions. To keep themselves or other characters alive in more action-oriented situations, the player must obey on-screen prompts for quick time events (QTEs). If the player dies, the game begins over from the point where the player was right before the QTE. Other timed circumstances require big judgments, such as deciding between two characters who should be kept alive.

Each episode contains five points where the player must make a significant decision, choosing from one of two available options. The game tracks how many players choose which option via Telltale’s servers and allows users to compare their decisions to the rest of the player base. The game can be completed regardless of the decisions made in these scenarios; the main events of the tale, as detailed below, will occur regardless of the choices made, but the presence and behaviour of non-player characters in later scenes will be influenced by these choices. The game does allow for several saves, as well as a “rewind” feature that allows the player to go back in time and change a previous decision, making it easier to experiment with other options.

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All Episodes of The Walking Dead

  • “A New Day”
  • “Starved for Help”
  • “Long Road Ahead”
  • “Around Every Corner”
  • “No Time Left”

The Walking Dead: Season Two

It is a follow-up to The Walking Dead, with episodes airing from December 2013 to August 2014. Following the season’s conclusion, a retail collector’s disc edition was issued. The game follows the same narrative framework as the first season, with player choices in one episode having a long-term impact on story aspects in subsequent episodes. The player decisions from the previous season’s save files, as well as the bonus episode 400 Days, are carried over to the second season. In Season Two, Clementine, the player’s main companion in the previous season, is a selectable character.

Overall, critics praised The Walking Dead: Season Two, praising the atmosphere, protagonist, and sense of tension; but, its lack of hub locations and certain aspects of its plot were panned. From December 2016 to May 2017, a third season named The Walking Dead: A New Frontier was published in episodic form.

Gameplay of The Walking Dead: Season Two

The Walking Dead: Season Two is a point-and-click adventure game, similar to the previous season. Clementine can be directed about the environment by the player, who can inspect and interact with various landscape pieces as well as acquire and use objects to advance the story. Conversation trees allow the user to start discussions with non-player characters. Certain responses from other characters may provide the player with a number of options to choose from, including the option to remain silent, with a limited amount of time to do so; if the player does not choose an option, the dialogue will proceed as if they had remained silent. Such decisions may have an impact on how the other characters react to Clementine later in the story, influencing subsequent events. Other scenarios are more action-packed, needing the player to execute fast time events in order to keep Clementine and her comrades alive. If the player fails to complete these tasks, the game will reset to the beginning of the scene. Such action scenarios may also force the player to make a critical decision in a short amount of time, such as saving one of two protagonists from attacking zombies.

The player’s choices and actions will have an impact on story components in subsequent episodes; for example, if the player does not choose to save a character, that character will not appear in subsequent scenes. Season Two also uses the saved game file from the first season and the DLC 400 Days to impact the story and events in these episodes, as well as the player’s decisions from the first season and the DLC 400 Days.

All Episodes of The Walking Dead: Season 2

  • “All That Remains”
  • “A House Divided”
  • “In Harm’s Way”
  • “Amid the Ruins”
  • “No Going Back”

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Life is Strange 2

Life Is Strange 2 is a Dontnod Entertainment-developed episodic graphic adventure game distributed by Square Enix’s European division. Its five episodes were released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One between September 2018 and December 2019, and eventually for macOS and Linux. The game is the mainstream sequel to the Life Is Strange series, and it follows Sean and Daniel, two Hispanic American siblings, as they flee the police along the US West Coast after the younger brother learns his telekinetic skills. Sean must make key decisions that will lead to several branches in the tale while acting as a surrogate parent for Daniel in the game, which is played from a third-person perspective.

Following the initial game’s surprising popularity, development on the sequel began in 2016, after the team finished the retail edition of the first game. The majority of the original’s creative crew returned for the sequel. In contrast to the original game, the developers adopted a road movie framework, influenced by films and literature such as Into the Wild and Of Mice and Men. While there are magical components in the game, the tale is primarily set in reality, and the team took advantage of the chance to address current social concerns such as racism, gun violence, and discrimination. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a free demo released by Dontnod in 2018 to introduce the new scenario, was revealed in 2017.

Upon its initial release, the game received mostly positive feedback. The story, Sean and Daniel’s friendship, and the choice-based gameplay were all acclaimed by critics, while opinions on the depicted political topics were mixed. The dialogue and the sparse episodic release schedule were both criticised. It was nominated for a number of year-end awards. Life Is Strange: True Colors, the series’ next core game, was released in September 2021 by Deck Nine, while Dontnod moved their focus to developing their own intellectual creations.

Gameplay of Life is Strange 2

Following a horrific tragedy, the player assumes control of Sean Diaz (Gonzalo Martin), a teenager on the run with his younger brother, Daniel (Roman Dean George). The two brothers meet a variety of non-playable people who engage with Sean through chat trees throughout the game. [1] Sean must make decisions throughout pivotal moments in the game that lead to different storylines. Sean’s acts and interactions with Daniel, in particular, have an impact on Daniel’s morality and the two characters’ brotherhood.

Encouraging Daniel to be unpleasant, for example, will cause him to swear more later in the game. If Daniel’s behaviours do not coincide with Sean’s advise, he may grow to resent him, and if Sean is unable to maintain an acceptable degree of brotherhood with Daniel, he may no longer follow his direction. In the game’s settings, staying morally upright and being a caring and trusted brother may not necessarily be mutually exclusive. The game keeps track of how many people choose which option and allows players to compare their decisions to the rest of the group. While the story’s main events remain the same regardless of the player’s choice, the game has a variety of endings.

Sean can interact with his surroundings and collect stuff, which he can then keep in his rucksack and use later. When Sean picks up an object, he will make a statement about it, giving players information about the item’s background and adding context to the universe. Sean’s backpack can also be embellished with mementos from his travels across the world. Sean can enjoy moments of calmness at specific spots while Sean and Daniel explore diverse locations and make a drawing of his surroundings.

All Episodes of Life is Strange 2

  • “Roads”
  • “Rules”
  • “Wastelands”
  • “Faith”
  • “Wolves”


Deadpool is an action-adventure video game based on the antihero of the same name from Marvel Comics. High Moon Studios created it, and Activision released it in June 2013 for Microsoft Windows (in digital format only), PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The game’s story follows Deadpool as he joins forces with the X-Men and Cable to foil Mister Sinister’s latest scheme, engaging in several comic escapades along the way, as written by Daniel Way. The game incorporates self-referential comedy and multiple fourth wall breaks, similar to other media involving the character.

Deadpool Game Wallpaper

The game garnered mixed reviews at its initial release, with acclaim for its humour and plot components but criticism for its gameplay flaws. In 2014, Deadpool was de-listed and deleted from all digital marketplaces, along with most other Activision games that exploited the Marvel licence. The game was re-released on Steam as well as the PlayStation Store’s downloadable content on July 15, 2016, but exclusively in the United States. To coincide with the debut of the 2016 film based on the character, the game was re-released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on November 18, 2015. Due to licencing concerns, the game was once again withdrawn from digital marketplaces on November 16, 2017.

Gameplay of Deadpool

Deadpool is a third-person action hack and slash video game. The majority of the game consists around Deadpool fighting foes with both melee and firearms weapons, with new combos becoming available as he advances through the plot and earns upgrade points. Deadpool audibly interacts with the player based on their skill and success, frequently breaking the fourth wall.

Deadpool comes equipped with guns and swords by default, but he also has access to enormous hammers, plasma guns, and a variety of other weaponry. Teleportation moves over a small distance are also conceivable. Players must escape further damage as he slowly disintegrates while taking damage in order to recover. [3] Deadpool can eliminate foes discreetly with either his melee weapons or guns in many stealth sequences in the game, though gun “stealth” kills will immediately notify all nearby enemies.

All Episodes of Deadpool

  • “Job One”
  • “Taking a Chance”
  • “Genosha”
  • “Road to Victory”
  • “Death Baby”
  • “Front Gates of Evil”

TBU: pics, q nd a, Yoast checking, interlinking

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